Saturday, 17 August 2013

The Machine That Goes Ping!

Well I have today received a date for a return trip to the ominously named Nuclear Medicine Department.

Looking at the schedule it will take half a day to complete. At least I know what to expect after the first time.

The same procedure to begin with; an injection of a trace dye into the bone blood vessels, then two hours for that to get around the system drinking a few litres of fluids to flush the excess dye in order to avoid over exposing the X-Ray.

Then it's into the machine for a full body X-Ray. Last time that took an hour or so.

This time there's an additional "localised bone scan" too. Presumably to have a close-up gander at the places they found Charlie lurking last time.

I'll expect a return to oncology to be advised of the results within a few weeks of the scans. I'll share them once I know.

Experience tells me that the speed with which things are being arranged is an indication that the news won't be good. It's serves to anticipate that.

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