Monday, 24 September 2012

The Condemned Cell

Well today, 24th September, I am to return to the Oncology department of my local hospital to keep a (slightly delayed) appointment.

A couple of weeks ago I gave a blood sample to check my PSA score, the purpose being to see if it has altered since the last one.

Today, I read a newspaper account of a death row prisoner in Texas who has twice got as far as the door of the chamber where he is sentenced to be "humanely" executed by means of a lethal injection, only to have the hand of the executioner stayed by the Supreme Court.

I feel a strange sort of empathy with that man.

Yesterday I gladly accepted the opportunity to be distracted but it was only a partial distraction. I had a rotten night. This morning, despite having some things to do that should offer further distractions, I'm unable to drag my attention from the clock. I'm counting down the hours and minutes to my appointment just as the convicted man's account of the last four hours before the allotted time with his appointment draws nearer.

I'd be lying if I didn't admit to hoping for an intervention equivalent to that of the Supreme Court but hope doesn't seem tangible enough to place much trust in.

I, unlike the condemned man in Texas, can at least do more than sit and wait. So I'd better get on with something purposeful.

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