Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Today I received the latest instalment in my anti-testosterone medication. It was distinctly uncomfortable. Odd that the last one I didn't even feel. I remarked to the nurse that she'd lost her touch but she blamed it upon bad luck in hitting a nerve. I think that I may have hit one too.

The last month has been mainly dealing with the hot-flushes. I have a fairly large multi speed electric fan that I use in the garage for when I need to have a bike running (to keep the bike from over-heating). It's a bit too noisy to have in the bedroom so I've knocked-up a Heath Robinson affair out of an old computer fan, a hobbyist "third hand" and a power pack that takes eight 1.5volt re-chargeable batteries. It's nice and quiet yet produces enough of a cooling breeze to be effective. I put it on the bedside table and it runs all night quietly directing a cool breeze on me.

I think that there may be a marketing opportunity here!

I haven't found as simple a remedy for the lethargy. The remedy I have found is a lot more involved, it requires an old motorcycle and many hours of tearing it apart, fixing bits that need it, polishing and cleaning things before sticking it all back together. It works too (so does the motorbike fortunately).

Apart from the above mentioned side-effect of the medication, I've noticed that certain things are shrinking (both of them that live in a little pouch made up of spare elbow skin). Still, at least I can multi-task now but my sense of direction is deteriorating. The up-side is that I now find myself prepared to ask for directions.  

Smile. Things could be worse.